

Most Beautiful Hotel and Resort near Sequoia National Park

Sequoia National Park is famous for its giant trees that seem to touch the sky and feature exceptionally thick trunks and branches. The park harbors the biggest tree and the second-biggest tree in the world. However, this park is not just about sky-scraping trees. When you visit this part of California, nature has a lot more fascinating things to show you.

A tour of this park is not possible in one day. Besides, the lush greenery is so inviting you wouldn’t want to go away in just a few hours. That’s why it is advisable that you book one of the Sequoia National Park camping cabins. They not only bring you closer to nature, but also give you a chance to spend wonderful moments at this place, exploring every nook and corner.

What does the park offer besides the giant trees?

There is no doubt that the giant trees are the number one attraction of this park. However, the park has a series of other nature’s marvels to admire at.

Besides having campground & lodges near Sequoia National Park, the place has a mountainous landscape, which harbors the highest mountain in the contiguous US, Mount Whitney. Its height is 14,505 feet above sea level.

The park gives a spectacular view of the Great Western Divide, which runs parallel to the Sierran Crest. Some of its peaks soar upto 12,000 feet in the sky. In addition, the place has deep canyons between the mountains. One of them is the Tokopah Falls, one at the Marble Fork, and another at the park’s backcountry. The last one runs 30 miles and is a staggering 5000 feet deep!

Do you think you can see all these and more in one or two days? No way! That’s why most tourists pack their bags and come here for atleast a week or so. Moreover, with some of the most beautiful national park hotels in the US present here, you wouldn’t want to go back home ever!

How to make the most of this place?

The best way to make the most of this place is to forget everything else in the world. Shed your worries; forget that office deadline or better, take no calls, and immerse yourselves completely in the surroundings. Make a reservation at one of the best hotels near Sequoia National forest.

The place gives you a golden opportunity to find your peace of mind, to meditate. Who knows? You might find answers to some of your life’s complicated questions! The towering trees and the massive mountains, the colossal canyons and the majestic rocks – they seem to talk to you. As you calm your senses, you can actually feel their positive vibrations.

No wonder many luxury hotels near U.S. national parks have separate rooms for meditation and yoga. They also offer spa and library.

A trip to Sequoia National Park rejuvenates you from top to toe. The place with its spectacular sceneries and the freshness of nature washes off your stress and fills you with positivity. Find the best places to stay near Sequoia National Park and make your trip as heavenly as possible.

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